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Heart of Love Sculpture

Heart of Love Sculpture

Recently in Ukraine there are more unusual, interesting monuments . And what a great example of Kiev. Here you can see all kinds of monuments, which cause a huge range of emotions.

So in 2011, St. Valentine`s day in the city center, set a new monument to the "Heart of Love". This is a huge wrought heart entangled oak branches. The monument weighs 1.5 tons and a height of 4.5 meters - a very conspicuous symbol of love. Creators of the heart is the artist Nadezhda Matveeva and blacksmith Alexei Zimin.

"Heart of Love" symbolizes the strong, tough love, which over the years, it only gets stronger. Two curl monument symbolize male and female, who are drawn toward each other, intertwined together. Kiyani immediately fell in love with this monument. To him every day dozens of tourists come from all over the country, doing photo newlyweds are recognized in love young couple. And for those who have not yet met their soul mate, this monument can be a turning point in his life. There is a tradition: when fasten to the heart of the castle and make a wish, it will come true.

You do not know how to spend an evening in Kiev? Take a stroll to one of the most romantic monuments and take a few photos of the original.

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