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Uzhgorod Synagogue

Uzhgorod Synagogue

Orthodox synagogue in Uzhgorod was open community of Ashkenazi Jews in 1904. The authors of the project were the architects Ferenc Szabolcs and Gyula Papp. At this time, the city of Uzhgorod was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the city government donated a very valuable piece of land on the banks of the river Oh, for the realization of the dream of the Jewish community in Transcarpathia - the construction of a synagogue.

The synagogue was built in the Moorish style then fashionable for money wealthy Jewish patrons. The building is made of pink marble, lined with red ceramic tiles and decorative bricks, effectively allocated in the architectural style of Uzhgorod. A striking element of the synagogue became the image of the Star of David on the central balcony of the building facade. Especially pompously decorated roof: Moorish motifs highlighted with copper ornaments and sculpted towers. The building is crowned characters Tablets of the Covenant.

In 1944, after the destruction of the Carpathian Jews, the fate of the synagogue changed. In 1947, the Soviet government gave the synagogue USSR Ministry of Culture, which was established by the Philharmonic. So, the building was rebuilt according to the requirements for such cultural objects. Star of David closed the wall with a tiny window. From the roof of the building was cleared of all Moorish decorations, turrets. Exterior of the building has become a much more modest. Changes were made and the interior of the building. Due to the rearrangements was completely destroyed acoustics. Later, inside the building was an organ. So the room was a synagogue of Uzhgorod Philharmonic, and today it is - the main concert hall of Uzhgorod. It is Transcarpathian Regional Philharmonic .

Visited the former synagogue of the city of Uzhgorod, you will not only enjoy the beautiful architecture, but also to see one of the best bodies of Ukraine.

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