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Sidorov castle

Sidorov castle

On the hill, washed by tributaries Zbucha, towering castle ship. This name he received because of the elongated shape, resembling a brigantine sailing amidst a sea of ​​greenery.

This stronghold in the middle of the 17th century erected Hetman Kalinowski, who gave his residence here. For a long time the majestic castle was Sidorovsky severe defensive structures, but at the end of the 17th century Turkish troops nearly destroyed the fortress. The building was restored, but the surviving towers were only three.

During the last war the castle has undergone considerable damage. Today well preserved walls of the castle and the northern tip of watch tower, which attract lovers of antiquity.


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Осінь у Медоборах
Дата туру: 14.10.2016.
Пещеры - Атлантида, Вертеба и Млынки
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