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Yaslovets Castle

Yaslovets Castle

This stronghold - the most important fortification era of the Commonwealth. The walls of the castle still remember Yazlovetskogo pompous feasts and celebrations, arranged for nobles and kings.

The fortress was able to withstand the onslaught of the armies of the legendary hetman - Bogdan Khmelnitsky, because the rock was built in a favorable location, surrounded by a winding river. Inside the building seething life, getting there can be only through the suspension bridge. The fortress was able to withstand a lot of sieges and second only to the Turks.

For a long time the castle owned by Polish magnate. He donated them to a convent and girls` school. During the Soviet era in the walls of the former castle housed the hospital, after which it was converted to a sanatorium, which operates today. Today the former stronghold revived monastery, near which defeated a well-kept park.

Get the former castle of Buchach possible, before reaching the village Tovsta where taxis run regularly.

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Основний маршрут: Тернопіль – Бучач – Язлівець – Джуринський водоспад – Червоноградський замок – сплав по ріці Дністер – Микулинці – Чортків – печера Млинки – Тернопіль.
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