St Duhovsky skit, Pochaiv
History Holy Dukhovskoi monastery begins with 1197. According to documentary evidence, Methodius founded a small chapel on one of Pochayevskaya mountains. And later, in 1219, on top of this mountain and laid the monastery church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Abode of different severity of monastic life. Later it founded a printing house and a theological school.
The walls of the monastery began his unique chronicle: they monks recorded all the important events. In the 16-17th centuries the monastery comprehend troubles: first, it was ruined as a result of the raids, then pestilence destroyed almost all the monks.
Restoration of the monastery began in 1901 - here, in the quiet of ancient trees, on the hill, founded the monastery of the Holy Spirit. But in Soviet times it was closed again. Within the walls of the monastery staged a psychiatric clinic. And the monks moved to Pochaev Lavra .
The second revival of the monastery, which became hermitage began in 1990. The monks rebuilt the church vratarnuyu Anufry Great, All Saints Church, built housing for cells, stone wall around the monastery. Also built a bell tower and three chapels.