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Dominican Church, Sidorov

Dominican Church, Sidorov

The church is located in the center of the village Sidorov Ternopil region. Church of St. Nicholas, belonging to the Order of Dominican observants, was built at the initiative of Colonel Kalinowski. About the time of construction no consensus. As the parish church of St. Nicholas was founded in 1628

The project Baroque church was designed in 1730 by renowned architect Jan de Witt. In terms of the building looked like a family crest Kalinovskys - boom with two stars in the bifurcated end and facade is decorated with a statue of the Virgin Mary. Also on the tower were installed sundial. Not far from the church was placed monastery building, which since 1784 after the banning of the Dominican Cathedral Austrian authorities used as a parsonage.

After the liquidation of the monastery he had long operated as a parish. Today, the church abandoned, but the building is well preserved. Survived the remnants of an ancient temple interior. Tower of the church are visible from afar.

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Дата туру: 14.10.2016.
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