Goluchowski Palace, shock

The palace was built in the late 18th century in the village of nobles Lyantskoronskimi chickened Ternopil region. A two-storey palace in the classical style has two fronts: the central, there are 6 columns and park features monumental staircase. To the park of the castle is an alley of chestnut and lime trees. It has survived several centuries-old trees, the oldest - pine, which more than 250 years. The park is also decorated and flower beds, one of them had an hourglass.
The owners of the palace changed in the late 19th century the estate passed to the graph Goluchowski, who was involved in active social work. At the same time, the interior of the palace was significantly rebuilt. He was decorated with crystal chandeliers, chandeliers and other elements of refined decor.
In recent years, the palace was located boarding school for children who moved to new premises. Currently the palace is empty.