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Exaltation Church, Chernivtsi

Exaltation Church, Chernivtsi

Centre Roman Catholic community of Chernivtsi - Exaltation Church. He is also the one of the main landmarks of the city. You should certainly visit the church and its interesting history and good preservation exactly you like.

Exaltation Church History

Exaltation church history began with the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Joseph II. In 1814 he visited the city and saw the city`s Roman Catholics have their own temple and forced to crowd in a small chapel. Then he ordered the city to build a church.

They built a church for a long time, despite the support and financing from the side of the emperor. Sanctified it only in 1844. Modern look after adjustment received in 1910, which made some changes to its appearance, but did not affect the interior of the church.

Exaltation church interiors completely preserved from the 19th century. This was not least because in Soviet times, the church continued to function. And today it is the main cathedral of the Roman Catholics of Bukovina.

Architecture church

The building of the church itself is quite monumental. Identify architectural style is difficult, it combines features of several directions. Attention is drawn to the church tower, which is an old clock.

The main decoration of the church is preserved interiors that take you to the 19th century. Fine decorative elements Exaltation of the church will not leave you indifferent.

How to get there

The church is located on Beethoven Street 2. If you will go to the city train station, you will certainly be held by it. By Chernivtsi easily accessible by train from Kyiv , Lviv and Odessa .

Hours: church standing. We recommend you visit during the day.

Tours and excursions

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Сколько б ни было нам лет, а все равно хочется верить в чудо. Такие города, как Тернополь и Львов этому очень способствуют. Прогуливаясь по старинным улочкам, любуясь древними зданиями, откусывая кусочек национального блюда или пробуя глоток обжигающего напитка, так и думаешь, что где-то из-за угла выйдет добрый волшебник и исполнит заветное желание. Отправляясь в тур, есть возможность познакомиться с: Архитектурой Тернополя, закончив знакомство дегустацией Галицких блюд в этноресторане. Культурами, когда-либо присутствовавшими на территории Украины. Осмотреть «Старый город», Турецкий мост и уникальный костел святых Петра и Павла с минаретом в Каменец-Подольском. Маленькой украинской вариацией Парижа – Черновцами. Этот маленький город похож на кусочек старой Европы, переместившийся на Украину. Оборонительной Николаевской церковью в Теребовле. Источник фото: panoramio.com, автор: hranom. План тура:
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