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Cave Dovbusha

Cave Dovbusha

Picturesque Hutsul village Pidzakharychi famous for its picturesque views of the mountain valleys, clear mountain air and a rich history. Local places Do not abandon a brave hero Olexa Dovbush, near the pass Nemchich was his cave served as a refuge for the rebels.

The cave has a small dimensions: height - from 3 to 6 meters, width - 1-1.5 meters and a length of 22 meters. The cave entrance is a vertically inclined crack in the massive sandstone, making it less noticeable. By the cave paved trail that leads out to the ridge Birch. Following along the crest of the ridge, the road will lead to a survey mark, at the bottom of it, among huge boulders, is Dovbusha shelter, as evidenced by a commemorative plaque. There is a legend that had been taken from the local rich treasures Dovbush hid in caves, it is possible that there may be a treasure.

Cave Dovbusha frequented by tourists, the path to it does not require special training. A visit to this attraction will allow to fully enjoy the spectacular views, feel the spirit of the times of glorious opryshky Oseksy Dovbusha.

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