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Polonyna Borzhava

Polonyna Borzhava

One of the largest ranges of the Carpathian - Polonyna Borzhava - knowingly attracts tourists and hikers. The surface of the grassy mountains here, hence the presence of the title word "Polonyna" (pasture). Travel agencies have long had their eye on these places and vying offer a variety of tours for those wishing to experience the romance of the "wild hike", or overnight in wooden cottages with all the creature comforts in the villages at the foot of the ridge.

Polonyna Borzhava attracts a mass of features, one of them - a very picturesque and famous in Transcarpathia waterfall Shipot having a height of about 14 meters. Admire it doubly nice spring, during snowmelt; at that time the most powerful waterfall. In addition, there is an opportunity to climb the highest mountains of the ridge - Mount Sty - height of almost 1700 meters. From the summit of this mountain are well looked gorgeous panoramic views of green meadows. There is also a kind of memorial days of "cold war" - the remains of radar secret military base.

A trip to the meadow Borzhava good at any time of year, but if the goal is to visit the blueberry fields, eat to satiety and a dial with blueberries, the best ride in the summer or early fall.

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