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St. Dukhovskoi Cathedral, Kherson

St. Dukhovskoi Cathedral, Kherson

St. Dukhovskoy Cathedral located in the heart of Kherson . The temple was built in the neoclassical style. In 1804 started the construction and only completed in 1835.

A major role in financing the construction of Kherson played merchants, so the church for a long time called the Merchants. Customs merchant patronage lasted until 1917, the revolution itself. During this period, in the Holy Spirit Church built a two side altars, the refectory and the cellars, which hosted the traditional tea, conducted interviews and songs.

Interesting Facts

Kasperovskaya icon of the Mother of God - is a relic that especially honor the believers Christians southeast of Ukraine and Moldova. List icons are stored in the Holy Spirit Cathedral of Kherson, and the image of the Mother of God Kasperovskaya Baby is located in Odessa Assumption Church. Every year, the feast of the Holy Spirit, it is brought from Odessa to Kherson.


With Kasperovskaya icon of the Mother of God with the infant involves a lot of legends. On one of them, during the Crimean War, the residents of Odessa, in anticipation of an attack of the enemy fleet, asked the Bishop Innocent of Kherson Kasperovskaya icon for the common prayers.

September 26, 1855 the enemy fleet came to Odessa. A few days before the Odessans prayed Kasperovskaya icon. The behavior of the enemy fleet was strange - he did not attack the defenseless city. October 1 virtually the entire population of Odessa praying before the icon on Cathedral Square, all asked the Mother of God to protect the city. After that, the sea and the city dropped the heavy fog, the ships could not navigate at sea and on the following day left without firing a single shot in the city.

In 1922, residents of the village Kasperovo asked them to return the icon to the cholera epidemic. After the miraculous icon brought to the church, and the villagers prayed Mother intercessor, no one in Kasperovo no longer ill and died before the end of the epidemic.

The history of the cathedral in the 20th century

St. Dukhovskaya church was the most luxurious and rich in the city. Its iconostasis, icons and utensils were decorated with gold. In the spring of 1922, all values ​​have been requisitioned and taken out of the Soviet power in order to help the starving Volga. From 1926 to 1937 he ruled the cathedral "Renovationists" declaring update and modernize the church service - a unique church movement, recognized by the Soviet authorities.

In 1937, all of the interior of St. Dukhovskoi cathedral was destroyed, but the church itself was given over to a warehouse for flour. Service start only take place once again at the end of 1941, when it was equipped with a church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. V1944, the Holy Spirit temple was returned to the Orthodox community of Kherson. In 1947, the church received the status of a cathedral, since gradually restored and replenished. Since all the church bells, then in 1955 built multi-storey bell tower with new bells were destroyed.

Today St. Dukhovskoy Cathedral is the main temple of Kherson diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It stores the relics and icons of saints and miracle workers. St. Dukhovskoy Cathedral - is not only a historical and cultural monument of Kherson, but also a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians believers.

How to get there

St. Dukhovskoy Cathedral is located in the center of Kherson. There № drive trolley 1, 3, 4.9, 11 and buses № 2, 3, 5, 10, 16, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 50, 101.

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