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Puhalevich brothers' Monument, at school №32

Puhalevich brothers' Monument, at school №32

February 7, 2006 in Nikolayev became prominent during the day - in the yard of school №32 opening ceremony of the monument to the brothers Puhalevycham. This three brothers who fought at the front in World War II.

The opening was attended by the mayor, war veterans and relatives Puhalevychiv. Who were these people and what was their role in the war - read on.

History Puhalevychiv

According to archive documents, Puhalevychiv family moved to the town of Nikolayev Inhulka in 1930. Even before the fighting Alexander, Peter and John worked at shipbuilding plant "Marty", which is also confirmed by documents.

From 1940 began their service at 7 tank brigade. His first combat car - T39 - brothers were at Kharkov tank plant. And all three were fighting crew:

A year later the Nazis in the Zhytomyr region again sum up their tank. Unfortunately, this time there were no casualties Alexander Puhalevych killed in action and buried in a mass grave. Peter was in serious condition, and his chymskorish sent to hospital. After recovery, Peter and John returned to the tank part and fought until victory. But again there was misery: their brother Nicholas died in 1944 near Lake Balaton in Hungary.

Paul Puhalevycha considered missing, but he miraculously survived and returned home. He returned to his native land and Basil - the youngest in the family.

But at the opening of the monument to all Puhalevychi unfortunately died. But their exploits still will live in the memory of grateful people not only in Mykolaiv but across the country.

Brothers Puhalevychi in literature and music

Alexander Twardowski, the future chief editor of "New World", worked as a war correspondent at the front. And in the poem "The Road to the West", he devoted a few lines Puhalevycham brothers.

After fierce fighting during January Kharkov in 1942, composer and poet Vladimir A. Bely Byezymyannyy dedicated soldiers song so called - "Three brothers".

Where is

Monument brothers Puhalevycham located in Nikolaev on the street Gaidar, 1.


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