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Mountain Bretskul

Mountain Bretskul

Mountain Bretskul - outstanding sights Rahovsky area. It`s easy to find the intersection of two areas of Zakarpattia and Ivano-Frankivsk near the settlement of Luga. This is one of the most important rock formations, which are often visited in conjunction with the highest mountain peak in Ukraine - Hoverla. Located very close to the mountains, Bretskul second only to its height, which is equal to 1911 meters.

The unusual name was given, presumably for their interesting shapes. The name translates from Romanian dialect as swelling. The mountain itself is indeed very smooth forms like something rounded, dome-shaped. Some official sources and books it is called Breskul that is also true.

An important feature of the mountain top is considered vegetation covering the dome of the mountain. Here you can find dozens of species of alpine and subalpine herbs, flowers and shrubs. Many of them are recognized with an extraordinarily rare medicinal properties. Based on them doing healing tinctures, oils, ointments. Also worth attention Bretskul lakes, they are in one of the valleys and mountains may dry up in the dry summer, to reappear in the fall or winter.

Nearby you can visit the mountain bald head , with a height which offers spectacular views of Transcarpathia.


Tours and excursions

Экспресс-тур по Черногорскому хребту в Карпатах
Давно хотите побывать в Карпатах и подышать целебным и оздоровительным горным воздухом? Мечтаете взойти на самую высокую гору Украины и увидеть красоту Черногорского хребта? Приглашаем вас на яркое и увлекательное путешествие в Карпаты. Этот короткий экспресс-тур покажет всю красоту и величие Карпат. Во время тура вас ждет много интересного: путешествие Черногорским хребтом и ночевка на высоте 1300 метров; подъем на гору Пип Иван или Черногора; экскурсия к самому большому и строению в горах на территории нашей страны в обсерваторию «Белый слон»; остановимся возле загадочного озера Несамовытое и самого высокого озера в Карпатах Бребенескул; восход на наивысшую точку на территории украинских Карпат Говерлу и экскурсия в Ворохту.
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