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Marmarosh Reserve neighborhood

Marmarosh Reserve neighborhood

Marmaroshsky reserved array located in Rakhiv region Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, near the border with Romania. Thanks to this neighborhood mountain reserve given name from the Romanian Carpathians. Marmaroshsky array is very different from the rest of the mountains Carpathians, but very similar in structure and composition on the   ridge Romania.

It is a beautiful nature, preserved without the intervention of the absolute humanity. Its area is 8990 hectares, height - from 700 to 1940 meters above sea level. The reserve is full of the diverse vegetation of deciduous forests with admixtures of fir and pine trees. It is noteworthy that the climate is much cooler other protected areas of Transcarpathia. As a rule, the average summer temperature does not exceed the values ​​in the 18-18.5 degrees. The main peak is Mount Marmaroshskogo array Pop Ivan, his highest point - 1940 meters. Face of the mountain to make people laugh alpine herbs, beech Scilla, valleys of limestone.

Lovers of beautiful mountain scenery can also visit   Rogneska reserve , famous for its unusual vegetation and plains of green carpet.

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Мармароси і Чорногора
Дата туру: 18.06.2016.
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