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Lake Lipovetsky "Sea Eye"

Lake Lipovetsky

Lake in the village Lipovets "Sea Eye" is the official hydrological nature reminder of local importance. It is located in a mountain valley at an altitude of 520 meters above sea level. This opens up a magical spectacle beauty of fresh flowers, fluffy grass and dense trees - all spread out at different heights of the valley, shrouded in a cold blue sky. Its popularity "Sea Eye" has received thanks difficult nature Lipovetsky picturesque village, but also because of the crystal waters of the lake.

Its depth, according to the documentary evidence, up to 45 meters, although the local claim that the approximate maximum is not more than 7.10 meters. The origin of the lake due to the volcanic activity of the area of ​​Transcarpathia. An interesting feature of natural wonder is the temperature of the water "Sea eye", it never freezes, not cloudy despite the climate conditions of these places. Going down to 200 meters to the plain, you can see a small waterfall, water fall height of which is 15 meters. Also take a look at nearby Lake Brebeneskul formed by volcanic activity between two high peaks Rahovsky area.

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