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Lake Apshynets (Troyaska)

Lake Apshynets (Troyaska)

Lake Apshinets is in Rakhiv region near Mount Troyaska. Regional points of guarding can be heard more common name of the lake - Troyaska given in honor of the alpine neighbor. Lake belongs to arrays Apshinetskogo reserve area of ​​105 hectares. Its origin is connected with the glaciers thousands of years ago.

The lake area is about 1.5 hectares, has an elongated oblong shape. Despite the fact that the lake is fed by over rivers Tisza and Black Apshinets, in the winter months, it freezes almost completely. Find and explore the picturesque pond can be at an altitude of 1487 meters - this is one of the most high-mountain lakes in Ukraine. The depth of the lake is relatively small and is only 3 meters, with its muddy bottom and shore cliffs overgrown with dense vegetation. The average water temperature in summer does not exceed 13 degrees. The lake water has healing properties.

Nearby is   Bretskul lake , located in the eponymous mountain.

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