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Uholsko-Shyrokoluzhansky Reserve neighborhood

Uholsko-Shyrokoluzhansky Reserve neighborhood

The central part of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve is Uholka-Shyrokoluzhansky array, lying in the basins of the Small and Large Embers and Luzanky with a total area of ​​15,580 hectares. It is the largest reserve array of Europe, where the forests of beech fore-forests. There has never been economic activity and forest completely preserved their primitive state.

Thanks to an array of protection from the cold north winds here in a mild and humid climate creates optimum conditions for beech. The average height of individual trees up to 35 meters at the age of 120 years. It also preserved areas beech-hornbeam and beech-oak forests of relict character. More than 700 species of plants are there in this array, some alpine species have survived here since the Ice Age - Sunflower naked, Saxifraga paniculata and others.

On the territory of the reserve area is about 30 caves, one of the biggest - "Friendship", the total length of the passages which is more than one kilometer, decorated with huge stalactites. The cave " Milk stone "found pozdnepaleolitnaya prehistoric man.

The fauna of the reserve is not less interesting, is home to lynx, wolf, brown bear, fox and other animals. Among ungulates particularly valuable roe deer Carpathian and European. All the variety of flora and fauna is integral unique ecosystem located in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Respect for all living things will keep the protected areas for future generations.

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