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Michael Church, Lukashi

Michael Church, Lukashi

St. Michael`s Church is located in the village of Lukas 70 km from Kiev . Located in the central part of the village. The first church on the site was built in the 17th century, it stood for more than 200 years, the building has not sustained action time. In the late 19th century, it was decided to demolish the old church, and in its place build a new one. Construction lasted from 1892 to 1896 at the expense of the local population and donations.

In 1931 the church was closed, then later I began to operate a warehouse of agricultural products. In 1942, the city was occupied by the German invaders, and again in the temple began to hold services. Since then, the church is not closed.

Build a temple made ​​of wood, it is decorated with five domes on the roof of each of them erected the cross. The church is painted blue. Today St. Michael`s temple - the center of spiritual life of the whole village.


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