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Cathedral of St. Basil, Ovruch

Cathedral of St. Basil, Ovruch

The city Ovrucha is one of the oldest churches in Ukraine. Stone Cathedral of St. Basil is dated 1190 year.

The first wooden church on this site was   built in memory of the fallen Prince Oleg. Commanded her to erect Prince Vladimir baptized under the name of Basil. More than 100 years of church parishioners pleased, and after - Rurik Rostislavovich in 1190 put in its place a stone cathedral. Cathedral   adorned with five golden domes, inlaid with natural stone,   embedded in the masonry walls. Cathedral built in Byzantine style.

In the early 14th century, with the advent of the Lithuanians, the cathedral was destroyed. Three times in its place erected a church made of wood, and each time it is destroyed. The church was restored only in the first decade of the 20th century. To him was joined Holy Vasilevsky convent. To this day inside the temple here and there preserved intact parts of frescoes and painted gold.

In Soviet times, the monastery housed the hospital, after school, and only in 1990 handed over the body of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and the church returned to its status.

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