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Bridges Transfiguration

Bridges Transfiguration

Bridges Transfiguration - two bridge across the Dnieper in Zaporozhye . They connect the two banks of the city, as well as the island of Khortytsya . Bridges are cultural monuments of Ukraine, as well as monuments of urban planning of local importance.

Construction was carried out from 1949 to 1952 at the place where the old bridges that were destroyed during the war. Chief architect made - Boris Transfiguration. Legend has it that after the construction of the Party Requesting a list of builders who have excelled in creating a bridge. For some reasons, the names of the Transfiguration was not among them. On hearing this, the architect could not bear such a blow and died of a heart attack. Subsequently, it was decided   to perpetuate the memory of the author in the title of the new designs.

Material for construction was chosen because in the postwar period in the country had problems with iron, it was decided   create a design of reinforced concrete. The architecture of the bridge is no different from those that were destroyed. The main decoration - a 4 arches on the Dnieper.

On bridges Transfiguration equipped road vehicles to travel, rail transport, and also has walkways. During the construction was not considered a modern load experienced by bridges, so the authorities Zaporozhye plan to build new bridges near the bridge Transfiguration.

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