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Temple of St. George (St. George`s Church), Romney

Temple of St. George (St. George`s Church), Romney

George temple known to many residents Akhtyrka as St. George Church. In all the years of its history the temple has gone through ups and downs: consecration, the difficult years of the revolution and the establishment of socialism, the war years and the closure under the Soviet regime. In 1993 the church resumed its full functionality.

St. George`s Church combines the features of Byzantine and Romanesque architecture, which makes it a monumental and majestic. The building is represented by one floor, west to adjoin the bell tower. All this gives an unusual view of the temple. Tiers of the church are divided into 12 and 8-sided base, which grow from one another, adding element of the air throughout the building. Exterior view of the church makes an indelible impression on visitors.


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