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Holy Assumption Church, Upper Serum

Holy Assumption Church, Upper Serum

In the village of Upper Syrovatka on the river 10 km from the city   Sumi   is a stone Holy Assumption Church, built 1805-1812 gg.   Author plan - writer Alexander Palitsin. Finance has allocated for the construction of Lieutenant Nikolai Vlasov, who also became a trustee of the church. On the parishioners gathered money he bought a ruined temple brick and iconostasis, which in 1841 upgraded using paintings and gilded ornaments. Church of the Assumption   stylistically similar to the samples of Novgorod architecture.

With reverence parishioners belonged to the ancient choir of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Rumor has it that she was taken to an unknown unpreserved wooden church of Czestochowa Polish nobleman.

In 1932, the service at the Holy Dormition Church was banned. The temple was used as a warehouse. During the Great Patriotic War - as a lookout point.

Now, despite the fact that   the church is a monument of architecture, it is a deplorable state.

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