Bath ravine
Beam Bath Yar is located in the village of Mogritsa Sumy region. This is one of the largest in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine arrays broadleaf forest. Bath Yar - botanical reserve of national importance. Established it in 1974 and Located in Mogritskom forestry. Area of the reserve is 236 hectares. He created to protect rare plants.
In the tree of the forest is dominated by a number of types of trees that are familiar to us, and presented in the stand rare types of plants (High fire, ostrich feather) and those listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The fauna is represented mainly forest-steppe animals and people of deciduous forests. There are wild boar, roe deer and elk European. From predators in the reserve there are many foxes. Found near the settlement and the settlement of northerners (8-9vv.) And mound-burial.
Bath Yar - one of the most important objects of protection Eastern lime-oak-maple forests.