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Bet Himmler near Zhitomir

Bet Himmler near Zhitomir

Mysterious object leadership of the Third Reich can be found in Ukraine. Nearby Zhytomyr rate remains rayhsfyurera SS - Heinrich Himmler.

History Himmler rates

Construction rates began in October 1941 in the village Guyva that in Zhitomir. The command post rayhsfyurera SS Heinrich Himmler built Soviet prisoners. Construction was completed in July 1942. Bet called "Hehevald", which means "forest reserve".

The area was 12 acres and was disguised plantings. At the arranged: two-story headquarters of the military leadership, bunkers, tennis courts. The latter were protected and had a wall thickness of 3 meters and half-meter layer of rubber for extra protection from air attack.

On the pond "Hehevald" the international community has learned from the memoirs of Schellenberg in 1956.

What to see Himmler at stake

To this day survived two bunkers. One of them locals use to store vegetables, the other - within the territory of the military unit, so access to it is closed.

Nearby bunker located fire hydrants, among others - still in working condition, and the German cemetery.

Interesting Facts

At stake held several important meetings, though Himmler was "Hehevaldi" only while Hitler at stake "Werewolf." By "Hehevaldu" secretly came Schellenberg, Lammers, Ribbentrop and Erich Koch - rayhkomisar Ukraine.

Surprisingly, the rate did not try never to destroy, though stationed near guerrillas. Although they say if one day the SS guerrillas detained a group of radio who wanted to destroy the rate of Himmler. The fate of guerrillas still remains unknown and no documentary evidence of this event was not found.

In August 1942 the "Hehevaldi" was first announced a plan "Ambassadors" by colonization of Eastern Europe by the Germans. At a secret meeting was attended by top management of the police and SS.

It is believed that two bunkers connected by underground tunnels, but no confirmation, no denials that have not yet been found.

How to get there

Guyva village is located 4 km south of Zhitomir.

With Zhytomyr most easily reached by car on highway M-21 (Berdychiv highway) Guyva the village, at the traffic light turn left and after 200 meters left is former command post and bunker.

A village are many bus routes, buses depart from the bus station Zhytomyr-2, approximate fare - 4 UAH.

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