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Church of the Assumption, Barvenkovo

Church of the Assumption, Barvenkovo

On the border of the Kharkiv and Donetsk region is the town of Barvenkovo ​​. Remarkably he Assumption Church built in 1876 and archaeological excavations of Neolithic times.

Temple,   erected in honor of the local regiment took part in the battle for the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman invaders, was consecrated in 1884.   The church was built in the late Byzantine style.

The royal court church donated a magnificent iconostasis of enormous size, which performed the best artists of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. And the emperor himself gave the church tabernacle of silver.

Since the beginning of the revolution the interior of the Assumption Church defeated. What is left after the tragic events of the early 19th century, suffered losses during the Second World War. Projectile, please to the temple, destroyed the altar. Remains of the church stood in ruins until 1982, when it was restored and given their original condition. Today, the church is open to parishioners.

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