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Winery "Koblevo"


"Koblevo" - tse naybіlshy in Ukraїnі plant s vipusku wine. Vinorobna Galuzo Pocha here rozvivatisya pіslya stvorennya pid Odes NDІ IM. Taїrova. The I vzhe in 1982 rotsі "Koblevo" Bulo udostoєno chestі become one of companies naypotuzhnіshih s s virobnitstva wine at regіonі. In 1998 rotsі on pіdpriєmstvі Bula held rekonstruktsіya, older obladnannya Bulo on zamіneno basis. Now zavodі for bottling wines became vikoristovuvatisya tehnologіya іtalіyskogo virobnika Bertolaso. In nashі dnі on bazі plant "Koblevo" OAO All zoseredzhenі Lanka lantsyuga virobnitstva wine grapes viroschuvannya pochinayuchi od i to i zavodіv Pervin vtorinnogo vinorobstva.

Assortment plant "Koblevo"

The assortment of the plant presented blizko 30 vidіv wines. One s naypopulyarnіshih Je Cahors wine. Produkciya plant udostoєna bezlіchі piled i premіy: 2 gold, 18 srіbnih i 10 bronze medals, yakі boule otrimanі on rіznomanіtnih contests rіznih kutochkah Ukraine. Kompaniia not zupinyaєtsya on dosyagnutomu, postіyno rozshiryuyuchi svіy assortment.

On bazі plant for turistіv conductive regulyarnі ekskursії in hodі yakih Leather zmozhe dіznatisya about povny processes virobnitstva wine. Takozh peredbachena degustatsіya, de guests proponuyut sprobuvati kіlka vidіv nayvіdomіshih wines kompanії: sovіnon, chardonnay, i alіgote bezlіch іnshih, vsogo nalіchuєtsya blizko 12 eksponatіv. Takozh in hodі degustatsії turistіv navchayut kulturі spozhivannya wine. Ekskursії held in robochі dnі tіlki for organіzovanih group.

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