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Monument to Iosif Deribas in Odessa

Monument to Iosif Deribas in Odessa

Odessa city deservedly be called state within a state: a unique flavor Odessa, Potemkin Steps , the mass of cafes and restaurants on the coast of the sea and, of course, Odessa humor. All this could not have happened if it were not for people inhaled in this gem of the sea life and gave it a new name. This Pervostroiteley Joseph Deribas Odessa, whose monument stands at the corner of Kaczynski and Deribasovskoy.

Hispanic origin, Deribas made a career as a Russian general and socio-statesman. It so happened that it was off the coast of the Black Sea, he wanted to build the city of your dreams. In honor of the bicentennial of Odessa in 1994, locals have put a monument Deribas at the beginning of the street that bears his name is the same. Young Admiral bronze stands, leaning on his shovel, and a hand holding a city plan. Thus the grateful Odessans immortalized his city planner. It is worth noting that the tomb Deribas is located in St. Petersburg, and although the authorities of Odessa has already attempted to negotiate reburial at the Russian side denied them in this. The very same grave in 1989 was desecrated and looted.

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