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Restaurant Kumpel

Restaurant Kumpel

Restaurant Brewery "Kumpel" - one of the most popular among residents and visitors of the city. The original name of the institution due to the outdated slang word "Kumpel", which means "druzhban", "pal", seeking adventure in the pub on the reels. The atmosphere of the restaurant creates all conditions to feel like a real Lviv Batyar. At the entrance to the restaurant visitors are greeted by the legendary "Beer Xixia" - a copy of the sculpture of Venus de Milo, and everyone, right caressing lady will receive a glass of beer.

The restaurant is located in the historic center of Lviv , consists of two rooms. In the center of the upper hall located copper vats for brewing and visitors have the opportunity to watch the brewing process. The second room is in the basement, also has a terrace with heating, which operates all year round.

The cozy atmosphere of places in Austrian style, excellent Galician cuisine combined with live unfiltered beer different varieties contributes to the wonderful pastime in the circle of friends.

This brewery is located on the street Vinnichenko. Restaurant is so popular that opened another "Kumpel" ave. Chornovil.

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