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The monument to Pushkin, Zaporozhye

The monument to Pushkin, Zaporozhye

One of the most popular monuments in Zaporozhye is the monument to Alexander Pushkin. It attracts tourists from all over the country, and the ambiguity of their original design.

The history of the monument to Pushkin

The monument to Pushkin was installed in 1999. The authors of the project have been known Zaporozhye sculptors whose work has graced the city. Opening of the monument was timed to the 200th anniversary of the poet. It is known that in May 1820 Pushkin visited Zaporozhye. This tells and information plaque of the monument.

The central figure of the composition - ink pen. They were carved out of concrete. But the work was performed blunt instruments. So now in the monument reads only light silhouettes pen. The bust of the writer was placed in the concrete structure. Locals jokingly call it "Pushkin in a rocket." Work on the monument is not finished yet. The authors of the monument are planning its reconstruction. So you should hurry up to take some pictures from the most infamous monument Zaporizhzhya.

Nearby Attractions

Pushkin Square, where the monument is a great place for dating purposes. It is always crowded and fun. Another favorite place of citizens - at the monument to Mikhail Glinka. It fanned by its legends and interesting stories.

How to get to the monument to Pushkin in Zaporozhye

To Pushkin Square and the monument you take bus number 84.


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