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Transfiguration Cathedral, Nikopol

Transfiguration Cathedral, Nikopol

At the end of the 19th century Nikopol was built Transfiguration Church. Cathedral withstood great spiritual ruin and ordeals, yet manages to keep the salvific mission of divine grace for the suffering souls.

The history of the Church of the Transfiguration

In 1898 it completed the construction of the temple. Initially Transfiguration Church acted home church for ordinary workers brickworks located near the temple. In 1937, the Transfiguration Cathedral is closed, but during the war he opened the German-fascist invaders. People, exhausted by hunger and suffering, find the strength to pray for the health of the living and the repose of the dead. Temple operated in this mode until the 1960s. Since then, he has turned into a planetarium. The owner of the building has now become a local broadcasting center. The paintings and decorations have suffered considerably, if not entirely destroyed, instead of crosses installed antenna, the internal walls are built. About 30 years the church was closed for the local population of the believer. But in 1991, it is taken the courageous decision to transfer the temple Orthodox community of Nikopol. December 11, 1993, Archbishop Irenaeus had consecrated the church. Today the temple is completely restored.

How to find the Church of the Transfiguration

Religious buildings located in the town of Nikopol on the street Transfiguration 113. At the place where once there was a vacant lot now adorns majestic snow-white temple, which is now good-naturedly takes parishioners and gives them its support.


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