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Oposhnyanskaya HPP

Oposhnyanskaya HPP

Oposhnyanskaya hydroelectric power plant is located near the village of Mlyny Misko. It was built in 1958. Currently used for its intended purpose and is a popular tourist attraction.

Description HPS in Opishne

Hydrostation in Opishne was built on one of the most famous rivers in Ukraine - Vorskla. Initially, the object being constructed to provide electricity Oposhnya and nearby villages. Power flows Vorskla sent to mainstream hydropower plant. Upstream established a two-storey station building. Just below are triggers gateways. Here the river takes the form of a small waterfall.

Around the small hydropower plant stretches a forest belt. The river banks are shrouded in greenery. This place is perfect for country picnics. The noise of the water calms. In the shade of the trees can be easily transferred heat. And fans will be able to enjoy the excellent fishing bite. Local residents often come to gateways HPP. Here the fish itself is on the hook.

Getting there

To start, you need to get from Poltava to Oposhnya the track P42. Also Poltava bus make regular flights busses. The following drive about 20 kilometers in the direction Misko Mlyn.

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