Church of the Nativity of the Virgin

Murovani Kurylivtsi - a village in the Vinnytsia region steeped in centuries of history. At its center is the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is a monument of architecture. It is located in a picturesque location on the banks of the river Zhvania.
The history of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin
The first version of the church was built in 1781. Then on the basis of its parishioners and with the assistance of landlords Komar and Likhachev was built five-domed church, which was completed in 1889. Later landowner Chikhacheva church was donated acquired Athos Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.
During the Soviet era have been removed from the church dome and on its territory located warehouses point for glass, etc. Only in 1991 the church was restored and again began to take parishioners.
Landowners Komar and Chikhacheva at different times were the owners of extant palace and park complex of 18-19 centuries, which is also a monument of architecture and deserves the attention of tourists.
Location Church of the Nativity of the Virgin
The church stands on a hill in the center of the village and is visible from all sides. During the service the ringing of bells echoed far beyond the village. Going down a little lower, and going through a stone bridge, you can get to the amazing beauty of the park with majestic trees and huge boulders, which fit perfectly into the overall picture. Where you can stroll after visiting the temple and be alone with your thoughts. The park hit the keys with mineral water.
How to get to the Church of Nativity
This amazing place is located only 45 km from the Mogilev-Podolsky and 100 km from Vinnitsa . You can get there by bus, and if possible on a car.