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Museum Gaysinschiny

Museum Gaysinschiny

City Gaisin Vinnitsa region is the regional center and is located on the picturesque slopes of the Dnieper hills and river banks Sib.

The history of the museum Gaysinschiny

The museum was founded in 1995 and located in the former home of the headmaster for boys, which is a monument of architecture of the early 20th century.

The museum contains more than 2,500 exhibits, including not only samples of weapons and military uniforms, but also household items townspeople and villagers, folk pottery and ceramics Bubrovskogo factory, samples of decorative art of Ukraine, which is characteristic for this region.

Museum exhibits are in the nature of the exhibition and presents several exhibitions: "The history of Ukrainian statehood," "The movement of the guerrillas," "The Great Patriotic War" (some types of equipment are located in the courtyard under the open sky), "The nature of the native land", "The traditional life of the people."

Location and especially the location of the museum Gaysinschiny

The museum was founded not so long ago, but the history of the city has its roots back in the mid-15th century. Since the mid-16th century the city belonged to Bratslav province was one of the fortifications. Later, the city developed and lived his leisurely life. Strolling through the streets, you can see several houses in the strict classical style with modern elements. Particular attention should be building the House of Culture, House of schoolchildren and youth (mansion of the early 20th century), as well as the building, which houses the city council, and many buildings that are worth paying attention to when visiting the city.

How to get to the museum Gaysinschiny

You can get here by any convenient way: by bus, car or rail. Located 96 km from Vinnitsa and 92 kilometers from the historical and cultural center - Uman.


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