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Tomb of Khan Asparuh, Zaporozhye

Tomb of Khan Asparuh, Zaporozhye

In Bulgaria, the name of Khan Asparuh named streets, bridges and villages. On it filmed several films. Han Asparuh not losing popularity today. It was he back in the year 681 was the first newly founded Bulgarian Khan. His military exploits were so great that even the great Constantinople paying him tribute. Around the year 701 Khan Asparuh fell in battle against the Khazars.

Archaeologist Hrinchenko found burial of the Great Khan in Zaporozhye. In his tomb were also nearly three dozen aristocratic Bulgarians. There were also found countless treasures and Falcon Khan, made ​​of silver. On toiletries says bird knocked on her wing symbol and the name of Khan Asparuh chest.

In 2007, Khan`s coffin was transported to Bulgaria and was buried in the church of Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. He was buried next to the rest of the Bulgarian kings.

Three years later, in a place where the discovery was made, we installed a plaque Khan.

Where is the tomb of Khan Asparuh

Geographically, the burial place of the Khan Asparuh is located not far from the television tower near the area of ​​Trade Unions.

Nearby Attractions to the tomb of Khan Asparuh

Continuing the historical tour of Zaporozhye, should visit the Alley of Heroes and monument to the battalion commander. Go through on the Ministers of Khortytsya and visit the museums of the city.


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