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Neteshinsky local history museum

Neteshinsky local history museum

Neteshinsky local history museum is located in Neteshin. This city is considered the companion of Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant, which started its work in 1977.

Museum in the city Neteshin is one of the youngest in the territory of independent Ukraine was founded in September 2001. But his story begins a little earlier. In 1994, the city decided to establish a National History Center Museum, which served as a non-school educational institution. Employees of the center and began to collect all the materials to conduct the research work, which lasted until 2000. Then the museum center re-registered in the city museum. Nowadays he is 18 rooms, which occupy an area of ​​930 m². It is possible to see different exhibitions devoted mainly life, everyday life, ethnography and nature of this region. Here you will see unique archeological finds, which belong to a different culture vostochnotshinetskoy time. There are a lot of exhibits and materials with rare plants that grow on sphagnum bogs. Also in one of the rooms you can see the rare coral, which has the largest footprint of any in its class worldwide.

In addition, in the museum you can see a collection of numismatics. Among them are ancient coins of Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages. There is also a Ukrainian banknote autographed graphic artist G. Narbut. He was the first author of the Ukrainian money and postage stamps. In addition, you will be shown the money Ukrainian People`s Republic, notes the Civil War of 1918-1919., Called booms. There is a complete collection of Soviet money and coupons coupons.

Today, the museum is very active, conducting archaeological excavations of burial mounds, with the Botanical Museum studied flora of the reserve and the influence of the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant. Employees of the museum deliver lectures and hold seminars in different educational institutions, hold exhibitions and presentations of their work. Today Neteshinsky local history museum called the pearl of Volyn region.

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