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Monument saxophonist

Monument saxophonist

In the city of Vinnytsia has a lot of interesting and unusual places and monuments, among which the monument saxophonist. It was installed on Teatralnaya square of the city in May 2012.

The history of the monument saxophonist

Created this metal masterpiece by local artist Vyacheslav metal Pasternak for the project "Help talented." The very creation of the author conceived as a mobile construction, which will move around the city and thereby help raise funds for the repair and reconstruction of the art club, where they can gather talented people and create wonderful masterpieces, as well as to learn new things and share experiences.

Iron saxophonist (as the locals call it) is made of sheet metal, it has an interesting shape, funny boots and hat. In 2011, the same author has created similar sites violinist and poet. All the work he performed at his own expense. Monument saxophonist - quite a popular place on the map of the route the tourists who travel the winery. It is worth to stop and look closely at all the details that are so carefully crafted by the author. Generally monuments saxophonist or sax established in various countries: Georgia, Armenia, Belgium, Russia, Israel, Kazakhstan, China, USA and others.

How to get to the monument

It is worth noting that the Theatre Square in 2014 was renamed to the Square of Heavenly Hundreds. The area is located near the center of town, so get to it is not difficult for any of the Vinnitsa. For example, the trolley stops at №15 said Maidana.

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