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Dominican monastery, Lutsk

Dominican monastery, Lutsk

Dominican convent in Lutsk - the first Catholic monastery, which appeared in Volyn. The building, which has survived to our days, belong to the building in 1791, although the existence of the Catholic Order of Friars on the lands of the modern Lutsk recorded in the 13th century.

The monastery has always been considered the main socio-cultural identity of the city. He had a particular impact on all citizens. Institutions based in different areas of the Dominican monastery, they also maintain and develop. All schools, libraries, offices and even Accounting University in Lutsk were created thanks to the initiative and investments monastery. Having survived more than seven fires, during the Soviet era and religious persecution, the construction of the Dominican monastery continues to remind of past power that he had until the early 20th century.

Now the building is used by the local Orthodox Church seminary.

History of the Dominican Monastery

The base of the Catholic Dominican Order in the Volyn region belongs to the third quarter of the 14th century. The impact on the Arrange monastery life of the local population increased with each decade. In the 1400s thanks to the Lithuanian King Jagiello monastery gets into possession of tens of hectares of land with fields, woods, ponds and villages. Along with the expansion of its land management Monastery aims to increase its social importance, achieving increases in the Catholic diocese. By the turn of 18-19 centuries, it became the most influential Christian institution in Volyn lands.

Until the early 19th century, the land of Volyn and vicinity joined the composition of the Orthodox Russian Empire, which gradually forced the monks to leave the monastery. The building repeatedly changed its purpose, but the changes concerned only internal rooms. Global update of exterior architecture has been avoided. With numerous rearrangements save a unique exterior.

What to See in Dominican Monastery

Walking around the neighborhood of an old building, it is worth to pay attention to the architecture in the classical style. Much has changed during the 19th century, but part of the original decoration still survived. Here are preserved characteristic cornices, arches, portals and frame the facade, as well as dozens of pieces of stucco spiral capitals.

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