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Holy Trinity Church, Trokovichi

Holy Trinity Church, Trokovichi

The village Trokovichi Chernyakhovsky district attracts travelers Church of the Holy Trinity. Settlement is known since 1584, when they first appeared in the official documents.

The wooden church was built in 1791. The initiators and benefactors building became a priest Yanovitsky landowner Kvyatkovich and parish community.

Wooden ensemble perfectly preserved. Mnogokupolny temple blue seems floating in the clouds. Special construction adds weightless soaring form of the temple. Connected to a three-tiered bell tower of the church is decorated with carvings.

It is surprising that in the Church even today you can see the copy of the register of births in 1821.

Attractions near the Church of the Holy Trinity in Trokovichah

Travelers interested in Cossack burial mounds have been found here, monuments to soldiers who fell in the wars of liberation, and a wooden cross, designed to protect the village from the plague.

How to get to the church of the Holy Trinity

From the surrounding towns through the village are numerous commuter trains, fare that is no more than 20 hryvnia. From Zhitomir or Chernyahova can be reached by bus. The journey takes about 30 minutes.


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