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Alexander Nevsky Church, Nikolaev

Alexander Nevsky Church, Nikolaev

The massive church of Alexander Nevsky dominates in the interior of the Military Slobodka in Mykolaiv on the river Ingul. The temple draws its unusual Russian-Byzantine architecture.

The history of the church of Alexander Nevsky

Alexander Nevsky Church was built in 1886 on the territory of the Nikolaev Naval Hospital because it is called the Hospital. Funds for the construction of the church came from the military establishment and the participants of the Crimean War. Author of the project - architect I. Zhukovsky-Volyn. Here funeral of fallen soldiers of the Crimean, Turkey, the First World War, the church prayed for the soldiers after the battle for the future victories.

However, in 1930 Mykolayiv city council decided to close the Hospital church and give it a club. The property values ​​of the church and confiscated. Old-timers remember when in the heat of the destruction of atheists drove a crane and tried to smash the wall with metal balls, the last just cracked, and the church survived. But during World War II and the German occupation, it was partially destroyed. After the war, it staged a warehouse and soon scored a building, the church began to collapse. It left no doors, no roof, no windows ...

The revival of the shrine

And now the church is not fully restored. But a lot has already been done, thanks to the Orthodox community of the city, where a temple was handed over in 2002. Fortunately, the walls of the church survived and perfectly preserved. We started with the restoration of the roof, ordered the bell - helped by sponsors. The iconostasis of the faithful made their own. Several icons brought parishioners and some icon painters ordered by donations. Now the temple back to life, though he dilapidated but beautiful.

How to get to the church of Alexander Nevsky in Nikolaev

The temple can be seen from all sides at the entrance to the city, it is best to get their transport through the street. Kosior. But you can use the bus or buses (№ 2, 40, 81, 82), before reaching the street. 7th military, and from there a little walk.

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