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Holy Ascension Cathedral, Voznesens`k

Holy Ascension Cathedral, Voznesens`k

City Voznesensk Mykolaiv region, founded in the late 18th century, got its name in honor of the Ascension. It is understandable that the main temple of the city bears the name of the Holy Ascension.

The history of the church

The current cathedral was not yet ten years old, after all it was rebuilt. But, in the archives, a temple to the glory of the Lord`s Ascension, Empress Catherine II ordered to erect simultaneously with the start of construction of the new city - in 1795. But soon vsederzhitelnitsa she died, and her heir Paul I canceled all decrees of the mother, and the construction of the temple was delayed for 50 years. So the Ascension Cathedral was consecrated in 1846.

But after the revolution of 1917 began the persecution of the church, and in 1936 the Bolshevik government blew the Holy Ascension Cathedral.

Construction of the new church began in the years of independence of Ukraine. Great assistance was rendered sponsors - local businesses. Today, the cathedral symbolizes the revival of spirituality and is a jewel of the city.

Getting that still look

Get to Voznesensk You can train. From Nikolaev to Voznesensk 96 km to the district center and walking buses. As the Ascension, be sure to go to the park to Ostrovsky Tsar`s rotunda - the gazebo, which was built in the 19th century. It is a credit to the city.

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