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Youth Library "Young Guard", Kyiv

Youth Library

Library "Young Guard" began as a small library in the secondary school number 136 in 1922. Throughout its history it changed its name several times and moved into new premises. In 1926, the school library has evolved into an independent child. During the Great Patriotic War, a considerable literature fund was collected in the room of the house number 24 on the street Tolstoy. After the increase in the area in 1959, the institution was renamed the library for children and youth named "Young Guard".

In the heyday of ideological education on the basis of existing information biblioticheskogo institution was created Central City Library for Youth. Its opening was held on May 10, 1976.

Today the institution serves the readers of different age groups: school children, students, youth, mature category of the population. The library implements youth specialization through a rich fund of books, records, tapes, films.

Within the walls of institutions often are youth meetings with famous people of the city, themed festivals. The library is open seven days a week.


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