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Ethnographic Museum "Drevlyansky village"

Ethnographic Museum

Selezovka village is of great interest not only Ukrainians but also foreign visitors. And all because here at the extreme of the Polesie reserve is located in the open air unique museum - "Drevlyansky village." It found their unique structures and objects.

While at the museum, inhale notes long time, you feel the life of our ancestors. Here, all the exhibits demonstrate activity faith, holy places Drevlyane. The museum displays a special atmosphere: if you find yourself not in the Ethnographic Museum and the ancient ancestors to the ground. All items and designs are not random residents of the museum, they all have their own history.

What can be seen in "Drevlyansky village"

In the "Drevlyansky village" you will be able to see a lot of stones, each of which is a symbol of faith. Among the tourists, especially popular "Rock of Love". Legend has it that it helps infertile girls become pregnant.

Here you will see a museum of stones: stone tears Virgin, Stone-See, chest, and much more.

Watermill sanctuary ancestors dugout - all this and much more awaits you in the fascinating ethnographic museum "Drevlyansky village"

On the reserve created a number of routes that lead to the holy springs, centennial oaks, ancient graves of their ancestors. In the museum there is nothing fictional, all our history, we have to remember and share.

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