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Mountain Gemba

Mountain Gemba

Carpathian Mountains are famous for its beauty all over the world. There are many beautiful and enchanting places. Mountain replaced polonynas and frisky creeks turned into waterfalls. One of the magical places is Carpathian Mountain Gemba.

General information about Mount Gemba

The mountain is located on the border Mizhgirya, Svaliava, and Volovets district of Transcarpathia. The head is spinning from unimaginable heights of this mountain. Its height is about 1.5 kilometers. Gemba has a curved dome shape. Piedmont reminiscent of a fairy-tale forest, covered with tall trees. Taking a walk here, you expect a miracle.

Especially beautiful here in winter, when the trees are covered with sparkling snow crystals. But on top of a spacious meadow. Rising here, you feel on top of the world. You will have an incredible landscape of the Carpathians. The air is pure intoxicating.

Camping Mount Gemba

Sam climb to the top of the mountain will be for you a real adventure full of unforgettable impressions. But the mountain has several other attractive offers. This place is exactly love skiing.

On the slopes of the mountain acts about 10 lifts. Trails vary in difficulty from simple to highly. Here it is one of the most popular tourist mountain resort.

In close proximity to the mountain is another attraction of the Carpathians - waterfall spikes. Every tourist simply must see this wonder of nature.

Getting there

To start a train of Uzhgorod and Lviv should reach the village Pylypets. Next, on foot or with a guide to go to the foot of the mountain.

Where to stay

In villages and Pylypets Podobovets always welcome. There are many private hotels and inns. You will long be remembered by the local flavor and hospitality.

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