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Peter and Paul Church, Terebovlya

Peter and Paul Church, Terebovlya

Peter and Paul Church in Terebovlya - a monument of architecture, as well as the center of spiritual life of the city. The building dates from the early 20th century.

The project of the church building belongs to the Polish architect Adolf Zhishko-Bogush. Next to the temple is another attraction of the city - the sculpture of Peter and Paul with keys and sword from heaven.

The story of Peter and Paul church

The Catholic community in Terebovlya lived since the beginning of the 18th century, however, the decision to establish a separate church was made only in the early 20th century. In 1924, the estimate for the construction of the Cathedral of embezzlement was approved. In the same year began construction. Continued it for 3 years. Peter and Paul Church opened its doors to parishioners only in 1927.

However, in 1939 with the advent of Soviet power in the history of the church begins a black stripe. As a result of the new religion the church is closed. In 1946, the cathedral building was converted into a granary, for which it has been used for four years.

In 1956, in the church of St. Peter and Paul open up the district House of Culture. Believers Cathedral returned only in 1992 and then in part. Then community Terebovlya allowed for their needs to use the premises of the former church choirs. Officially, the church was returned to parishioners only after moving to the House of Culture in the theater room of Taras Shevchenko.

building Architecture

Of particular note is the architecture and interior of the church. Church of St. Peter and St. Paul was created according to the rules of construction of early Christianity period. The building is made of brick. Home architectural jewel of the church - facade of the building with two symmetrical towers, with the cross of their height reaches 40 m finishing touch -. Decorative moldings.

The church can accommodate up to 2000 parafiyan. The central place in the interiors takes the original main altar with four columns, as in the ancient basilicas.

How to get there

To get to the Peter and Paul`s Church in Terebovlya tourist can in several ways:

  • on private vehicles - from Chernivtsi need to move on the international road E85, which runs through the Chernivtsi - Ternopil - Lutsk - Corbin. The road runs not just through Terebovlya, but directly by the church of St. Peter and Paul;
  • by bus or train ride from Chernivtsi to Terebovlya, then along the streets of Prince Cornflower get to church.

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