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Observatory White Elephant, Mount Pop Ivan

Observatory White Elephant, Mount Pop Ivan

Astronomical and meteorological observatory on the summit of Mount Pop Ivan Montenegro is the high location of the building in Ukraine and is situated at 2020 meters above sea level. Its ruins clearly stand out among all the other structures of the Ukrainian Carpathians. His code name White Elephant seemingly unremarkable gray walls got the winter - this time of year, crusted snow and ice, the observatory is really reminiscent of the fabulous white elephant.

The history of the White Elephant

During the construction of the observatory White elephant was considered the second most important in Europe and sixth in the world. It was equipped with major appliances, including those manufactured by special order in the UK astrograph a copper dome.

The observatory is also mentioned in several books of Ukrainian writers. About it in his novel "Twelve hoops," says Yuri Andrukhovych, the observatory sleeps heroine of the novel "From top to bottom. Horror book "Tanya Malyarchuk also events at the observatory are woven into the fabric of the novel Mary Rimar" White Elephant ".

Abandoned Observatory

The observatory worked in 1939-1941. After the war equipment was evacuated to Budepeshtskuyu observatory, then in Vienna and then in Poland. After the war, the room itself is also left abandoned, and local residents have taken away from it all, that there has been at least some value.

Restoration of the White Elephant

Restoration of the observatory began recently. In 2012, the Polish Ministry of Culture has allocated 70 thousand dollars for the restoration of the building of the observatory White elephant. The money allocated under the grant program, which is a partner of the Carpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. The University also makes its money in the restoration of the observatory in the amount of 25% of the total.

In the future, that the Observatory will operate a weather station and other research centers. Also, perhaps there will be rooms for guests, where they will spend the weary travelers.

Getting there

Observatory White Elephant is on the top of the mountain Pop Ivan Montenegro, on the border of Ivano-Frankivsk and Transcarpathian regions. To get here from the village most convenient Dzembronya. It is necessary to first go to Verkhovyna. From there you can reach Dzembronya bus, which runs several times a day.

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