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Mount Pop Ivan Montenegrin

Mount Pop Ivan Montenegrin

Pop Ivan is one of the highest mountains of the Montenegrin mountain range and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Carpathian region. Height second only to its top Goverle and grief Brebeneskul . Pop Ivan Montenegro should not be confused with Mount Pop Ivan Marmaroshsky .

Pip Ivan mountain attracts the attention of even his unusual name. According to one version, the name appeared due to the shape of the hill, which is very similar to the part of the priest in a cassock.

But the unusual names associated with the mountain, do not stop. Very popular and standing almost on the top of a hill observatory. It was built in 1936 and it was almost 50 large rooms. It is called "White Elephant". It would seem, from the Carpathian region to take something like an elephant? It turns out that everything is very simple. Observatory in winter covered with ice and snow, so it reminds passers great white beast.

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Дата туру: 18.06.2016.
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