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Holy Monastery Anastasievsko, Zhitomir

Holy Monastery Anastasievsko, Zhitomir

St. Anastasievsko Monastery in Zhytomyr for its relatively short existence has already become one of the most visited monasteries among pilgrims. He played an important role in the life of local residents.

The history of the monastery Anastasievsko

St. Anastasievsko monastery was built in 1999. It is located on the outskirts of Zhitomir on the site of the old sanatorium. The construction of the temple funds were allocated from the city treasury. Most of the parishioners donated. In one of the old buildings was equipped Temple Sergius of Radonezh. And in 2002, the monastery grounds and the cathedral appeared Anastasia Roman with the lower side chapel of St. Seraphim of Sarov. All the buildings have been combined into one space arched passages and connections.

Anastasievsko Holy Monastery - Nunnery. Here some of the most holy relics of martyrs. Most of the relics was moved here from different parts of Zhytomyr. Visitors to the temple of the monastery will be able to see not only the remains of the relics, but also several unique icons to visit the cells of the nuns. Also amazing interior of the church. The Center is a gilded iconostasis.

Interesting to know

  • Anastasievsko Holy Monastery - the first female monastery in the Zhitomir region;
  • Anastasia Roman, after whom the temple is dedicated, is also the patron of Zhytomyr;
  • some relics of the monastery is connected several mysterious stories.

How to get to the monastery

From the central bus station in the direction of the bus depart Malevanka (district of Zhitomir). Drivers stopped at the request of some of the Holy Monastery Anastasievsko.


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