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Halloween 2015, Kharkiv, Kharkiv


The second largest city in Ukraine be a resounding celebration of Halloween. Events in organize to suit every taste. But the biggest event is the annual «Zombie FEST».

In the central park. Gorky celebrations last from afternoon until night. You walk around, people in costumes scary witches, vampires, monsters, ghosts and other evil spirits. Organizers promised to create a true holiday atmosphere you could see in Hollywood movies. But while the visitors will not be afraid, quite the contrary - action must turn into a magical and fun holiday for residents and visitors of Kharkov.

At the same time the city held many other parties - this party and costume balls, events for the whole family.

Venue: the largest event planned in the central park of culture and rest. Gorky, but celebrated in other places.

Date: 31 October.

Hottest Halloween events in Kharkiv

We have prepared a selection of events in the city where the celebrated Halloween.

«Zombie FEST»  

The festival promises to be the largest celebration in the city. Work "Fair horror" and "Station reincarnation of the Zombies", where you will be able to put make-up, turning into a real zombie. It is planned to hold the tournament - against the zombie people, and costume course central alley of the park in the evening. Then on the main stage concert.

  • Address: Park of Culture and Rest. Gorky.
  • Time: 13:00.

«Halloween Masquerade»

Party in style masquer held in the club "Bolero."

  • Address: c. Kharkov, the prospectus the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, 56.
  • Time: 22:00

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Kyiv, along with other cities in the country to actively celebrate Halloween. For the residents and guests have one day of the year when you can visit with kids entertainment, and young people will be able to break carnival parties.
In Lviv in late October is traditionally a great gastronomic St. cheese and wine.
The first Saturday of October in Uman - holiday. October 3, 2015 the townspeople celebrate the anniversary of the Day of the City.

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