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Day of Winter 2016, Ternopil, Ternopil


Winter Day in Ternopil - festival that gathers in his circle of residents and visitors. Hurry interesting holiday schedule on Valentine`s Day this bright, fun, and exciting winter holiday. It will be held in Ternopil Pond, which is the main attraction of the city.

Location: embankment of the pond Ternopil .

Dates: February 13-14, 2016 beginning - 13:00.

Cost: free admission.

The festival program

Ternopil festival includes:

  • Game, an exhibition of folk artists;
  • musical performances marathon;
  • Team fans will take the extraordinary creation of art sculptures of snow and ice;
  • the "Lovers Island" in the heart rate will put major snow sculpture;
  • are exciting games, competitions, sledding, skating and riding.

For everyone the opportunity to taste delicious field food and hot drinks.

The program will include competitions in hockey called «Ternopil Hockey Classic». The game will involve 24 teams from different cities of Ukraine. Winners will get a unique cup.

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