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Festival Trempel FEST, Kharkov, Sumy


In early February, the indoor market Sumy festival «Trempel FEST» in Kharkiv involving novice and experienced designers, showroom owners, online stores, handmade artists and citizens, whose home has accumulated a lot of vintage things.

Organizers promise to create not only a diverse design market, but also to real garage sale, which complemented the delicious food court.

Venue: premises Sumy Market Street Culture, 8, Kharkov.

Date: February 5 will start at 12:00, end - February 7, at 20:00.

Cost: free admission.

The festival program in Kharkiv

The festival «Trempel FEST» city residents and their guests can purchase quality designer clothes, exclusive jewelery from Ukrainian producers, which is especially important on the eve of Valentine`s Day.

Once again, the festival area will be divided into several locations:

  • a market area for young Ukrainian designers and brands;
  • Zone handmade;
  • Area subject design;
  • change-dress «Zminyuysya";
  • Area garage sales;
  • lecture area: history and costume design;
  • style market, here you can get advice and services from different stylists;
  • Dad zone for the brave;
  • children`s area;
  • lounge-zone;
  • food court;
  • fotozona.

Men are prepared:

  • models of agency «KLmodels» prodefilyuyut in images of designers agencies;
  • two bravest opportunity to win cool tattoos of Roman Oliynyk directly at the festival;
  • Care secrets beard and new trends in men`s fashion from top professionals. The new image of the «Barber Shop Scriction» is available for free.

But women will be special training and advice:

  • how to spend pislyasvyatkovu detoxification of the whole body;
  • recognized expert and blogger Lyalya Bounty tell how zapostyty itself in «Instargam».

Organizational market will take care of everyone. Will be provided the opportunity to try on clothes in two spacious fitting close to the fashion-zone.

Contact: +38 (097) 653-03-06, +38 (095) 836-92-14.

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